"Okay, let's go over the plan again..." your flight officer says while helping you don the old fashioned space suit.
You sigh. "It's simple. I land, I explore those ruins, I come back."
"Well, that was laconic." Now it's your flight deck officer's turn to sigh, "Why don't you humor me by going a bit more into detail then ancient Cesar in his battle reports, honey?"
"Okay, I'm sorry." you reply. "It's just, that I'm a bit nervous and impatient at the same time - you know me." You take a deep breath "I will switch off all electronics of the lander, my suit, and all appliances at 10 clicks heigth to avoid damage from the electromagnetic shock which seems to be released upon approach of any vessel and which has disabled our probes previously. I will then try to steer manually to crash as softly as I can." I see the dear face in front of me cringe and have to smile as I realize that I enjoy this little exercise of venting nervousness by sarcasm. "After reassembling my bones I'll start the chemical batteries to recharge my tools, try to establish contact and then I will carefully explore the ruins. And if anything goes wrong I'll immediately head back to the lander and start it to orbit where you will fetch me. Right?"
You are rewarded with a sigh and a nod, then a pat on the back. "I guess you're ready to enter that ancient death trap. Unless you have any more questions..."
[["No, I'm fine - This was a nice life so far!"]]
[["You did check the suit, right?"]]
[["How can the lander start again after that landing without electronics?"]]
[["What do you think I'll find down there?"]]
"Do you really have to ask?" Your flight officer looks at you a little annoyed, almost insulted. "Of course, I've checked it! It is fully intact, the oxygen tanks are filled and the air filters are working, so you should be fine almost indefinitely under best and for at least two hours under worst conditions down there. Just remember that is has no electronics, so check manually, whether the internal pressure is stable after landing and seal any damage if that's not the case. Anything else?"
[["No, I'm fine - This was a nice life so far!"]]
[["How can the lander start again after that landing without electronics?"]]
[["What do you think I'll find down there?"]]
(set: $suit_asked = 1)(set: $suit = 5)
(set: $suitair = 100)"And I'd like you to stay fine!" your flight officer answers.
(if: $suit_asked + $lander_asked + $find_asked is 3)[Then you are rewardes with a sudden smile and a quick kiss. "At least you didn't simply rush into this new adventure without rechecking the important points this time, thanks!" (set:$psyche = 6)]
"I'll bring something nice back, I promise" you answer.
"You in one piece would be a good start!"
The two of you share a slightly awkward hug due to your space suit before you attach the helmet and seal it, then enter the lander. You sit in the pilots seat as you hear the communications system "Okay, whenever you're ready, dear!"
[[Give the thumbs up signal -> Go!]]
[[Wait... this is madness! -> Stop it!]]
"Well, it is built after an ancient model, so it will just... lift off. Not much steering, just raising straight into the air and space. It should balance itself autamtically after landing to point up but checking that might be a good idea. But remember, it will at least take a big overhaul in a dock after that, so this landing might be our only chance before someone else comes to the same idea. Okay, any other open questions?"
[["No, I'm fine - This was a nice life so far!"]]
[["You did check the suit, right?"]]
[["What do you think I'll find down there?"]]
(set: $lander_asked = 1)
"Well..." You're met with a shrug of shoulders. "I have nothing new if you mean that. All we know are still ancient ruins, well... big blocks as seen from space. No movements or signals. And the EMPs as the only hint that there might be something important down there. So, remnants of an ancient civilization probably, whatever that might mean... Just be careful, okay?"
You try to nod affirmingly.
"Now, do you have anything I might actually have an answer to?"
[["No, I'm fine - This was a nice life so far!"]]
[["You did check the suit, right?"]]
[["How can the lander start again after that landing without electronics?"]]
(set: $find_asked = 1)
A shudder goes through your lander as it is released, dropping towards the planet below you. At first the basic computer system is helping you steer but as you reach the atmosphere the com system springs to life again.
"Okay, turn off the systems now. You're on your own. Take care and make sure you don't get hurt during the landing!"
"Roger! I'll do my best..."
You switch off all electronic systems and try to stabilize your descent manually as good as possible, releasing the breaking chutes at the right point just before you feel a tingling sensation as the electromagnetic pulse tries to cripple your craft. You are now moments before landing.
[[You brace yourself]]
[[You try to stay relaxed]]
Your flight officer and lover looks at you puzzled as you get up again and leave the lander then runs towards you, helping you out of that ancient space suit and laughs. "Wow, you're pale like a bedsheet! But I'm actually glad you got scared. There has to be a better way to explore these ruins than this suicide mission!"
You hug and embrace, then kiss. You may have wasted quite some money on this old school equipment and Xyphon IX's ruins may lie down there unexplored for now but you are alive and with someone you love and that has to be worth more than all treasure that might or might not be hidden down there!
''The end (For this time)''
(But I'd love you to try again, and there is a chance for another kind of happy ending, I promise!)
Back to the [[Beginning]]?
(set: $psyche = 6)
You are (if: $body <= 0)[dead,] (if: $body is 0.5 or is 1)[close to dying,] (if: $body is 1.5 or is 2)[severely wounded,] (if: $body is 2.5 or is 3)[wounded,] (if: $body is 3.5 or is 4)[badly scratched,] (if: $body is 4.5 or is 5)[quite fit,] (if: $body is 5.5 or is 6)[physically fit,] (if: $bleed is 0 and $back is 0)[unharmed,] (if: $bleed is 0.5)[bleeding,] (if: $bleed is 1)[bleeding severely,] (if: $bleed > 1)[bleeding out,] (if: $back is 1)[with an aching back,](if: $back is 2)[with a broken back,](if: $back is 3)[with a shattered spine,] and (if: $psyche <= 0)[your mind goes black.] (if: $psyche is 1)[on the brink of a breakdown.] (if: $psyche is 2)[close to a breakdown.] (if: $psyche is 3)[your heart is pounding loudly.] (if: $psyche is 4)[quite nervous.] (if: $psyche is 5)[a little bit nervous.] (if: $psyche is 6)[and feel fine for now.]
You carry equipment of $weight weight (Your current capacity is $carry):
Your (if: $suit is 0)[broken] (if: $suit is 1)[damaged] (if: $suit is 3)[punctured] (if: $suit is 5)[fully functional] space suit with $suitair % oxygen tank (if: $suitair > 0 and $suit is 2 or $suit >= 4)[(link: "Test your spacesuit")[(set: $suitair to it -10) You overpressure your suit to check it for punctures, it seems to be (if: $suit is 2)[punctured(set: $suit to 3)] (if: $suit is 4)[fully functional(set: $suit to 5)]. This cost you 10 % of the oxygen tank's supply] ]
(if: $gun is 1)[Your FA S201B heavy service gun with $guncharge charges]
(if: $detector is 1)[Combined metal and electromagnetic field detector]
(if: $explosives is 1)[One block of D-6 mining explosive](if: $explosives >1)[$explosives blocks of D-6 mining explosives]
(if: $kits is 1)[One first aid kit](if: $kits >1)[$kits first aid kits] (if: $kits >1 and $bleed >0)[(link: "Bind your wounds")[(set: $kits to it -1)(set: $bleed to 0) You bind your wounds and stop the bleeding, depleting your first aid kit.] ]
(if: $patchesl is 0 and $patches > 0)[$patches space suit patches (if: $suit is 1 and $patches >1)[(link: "Fix your suit")[You use two patches to reseal your suit. (set: $patches to it - 2)(set: $suit to 5)] ](if: $suit is 3 and $patches >0)[(link: "Fix your suit")[You use a patch to reseal your suit. (set: $patches to it - 1)(set: $suit to 5)] ] ]
(if: $climbset is 1)[A set of climbing gear]
You feel your heart desperately racing to counter the loss of blood as your legs weaken and your sight goes dark. With a final sigh you sink to the ground.
You're dead...
''The end (For this time)''
(But I'd love you to try again, and there is a chance for a happy ending, I promise!)
Back to the [[Beginning]]?(set: $body = 0)(set: $psyche = 0)
(if: $game is 1)[(set: $body to it - $bleed)]
(if: $psyche > $body +1)[(set: $psyche to $body +1)]
(if: $body <= 0 and $game is 1)[(set: $game to 0)(goto: "Death")]
(if: $charging is 1 and $chargetime < 10)[(set: $chargetime to it + 1)] (if: $charging is 1 and $chargetime is 10)[(set: $charging to 2)(set: $batteries to 100)](if: $body > 3)[(set: $carry to 8)](if: $body <= 3)[(set: $carry to 6)]
(set: $brace to 1)
(goto: "You try to stay relaxed")
The landing is rougher than you expected(if: $brace is 1)[ and you feel a sharp pain in your back as your chair transmits the hard push of the ground into your spine. (set: $suit to 2)(set: $back to 1)(set: $body to it -1)] (if: $brace is 0)[ but while you get shaken badly you seem to get through all of it unharmed. (set: $suit to 4)]
After the landing you wait for a moment as your lander settles to the ground, the landing gear aching as it balances your capsule to point exactly upright. You losen the straps, tying you to your seat, stretch and look around.
[[Continue -> Lander]]
(set: $inlander to it +1)You are inside your lander's capsule. (if: $batteries is 0)[All systems seem to be offline as the batteries are not charged.] The air reserves are at $landerair %.
There is your pilot's seat, a small unfoldable bed, the equipment locker, the sample storage, the communication system, and the door to the outside.
(if: $chase > 0)[The lander is shaking from the robotic attack on its hull. You hope that it will not suffer severe damage.] (if: $chase > 1 and $inlander is 0)[(set: $lander is it -1)]
(if: $psyche > 1)[ [[Open the door and leave the lander]] ]
[[Check the equipment locker]]
[[Check the sample storage]]
(if: $psyche > 1 and $batteries > 0)[ [[Activate the communication system]] ]
(if: $landerair > 0)[ [[Take a few hours of rest to regain your strength]] ]
(if: $batteries is 0 and $charging is 1)[ [[Wait for a while]] ]
[[Do a preflight check for your lander ->Launch]]
You open the equipment locker. It has several places for equipment, holding the following things:
* (if: $gun is 0)[Your FA S201B heavy service gun (weight 2)]
* (if: $detector is 0)[A combined metal and electromagnetic field detector (weight 1)]
* (if: $explosivesl is 1)[A block of D-6 mining explosive (weight 2)](if: $explosivesl > 1)[$explosivesl blocks of D-6 mining explosives (weight 2 per block)]
* (if: $kitsl is 1)[An emergency first aid kit (weight 1)](if: $kitsl > 1)[$kitsl emergency first aid kits (weight 1 per kit)]
* (if: $patchesl is 1)[A set of $patches space suit patches (weight 0)]
* (if: $climbsetl is 1)[A set of climbing gear (weight 3)]
* A charging station for the landers batteries and a chemical charging system. The batteries are currently at $batteries % (if: $charging is 1)[and are charging, showing a flashing $chargetime/10.](if: $charging is 0)[and the charging system is ready.](if: $charging is 2)[and the charging system is depleted.]
(if: $gun is 0 and $carry - $weight >= 2)[ [[Take the gun]] ](if: $gun is 1)[ [[Put the gun back]] ]
(if: $scanner is 0 and $carry - $weight >= 1)[ [[Take the detector]] ](if: $scanner is 1)[ [[Put the detector back]] ]
(if: $explosivesl > 0 and $carry - $weight >= 2)[ [[Take a block of explosives]] ](if: $explosives > 0)[ [[Put a block of explosives back]] ]
(if: $kitsl > 0 and $carry - $weight >= 1)[ [[Take a first aid kit]] ](if: $kits > 0)[ [[Put a first aid kit back]] ]
(if: $patchesl is 1)[ [[Take the patches]] ](if: $patchesl is 0 and $patches > 0)[ [[Put the patches back]] ]
(if: $climbsetl is 1 and $carry - $weight >= 3)[ [[Take the climbing set]] ](if: $climbset is 1)[ [[Put the climbing set back]] ]
(if: $charging is 0)[ [[Begin to charge the batteries]] ](if: $batteries > 0 and $gun is 1)[ [[Charge your gun]] ]
[[Close the equipment locker -> Lander]]
This is a padded container meant to hold whatever portable objects you may find.
It currently contains:
(if: $samples is 0)[Nothing, what did you expect?]
[[Continue -> Lander]]
You take off your suit and lie down on the small bed. The lander may not be an ideal place to rest but it is still much better than exhausting yourself. The flow of fresh air feels calming and invigorating.
(if: $restedb is 1 and $restedp is 1 and $bleed < 1)[But you are not tired enough to really find sleep, so after a while you decide to get up again. (set: $landerair to it -5)(if: $bleed is 0.5)[(set: $bleed = 0)(set: $body to it +0.5)] ]
(if: $restedb is 1 and $restedp is 1 and $bleed >= 1)[But you immediatlely get up again as you feel your blood making the bed under you wet.]
(if: $bleed < 1 and $restedb is 0 or $restedp is 0)[(if: $bleed is 0.5)[(set: $bleed = 0)(set: $body to it +0.5)] You fall asleep and wake up a few hours later. Not as refreshed as you would have been after a good night's sleep in a real bed but still feeling a bit better than before. (set: $landerair to it -10)(if: $restedb is 0)[(set:$body as is +1)(set: $restedb =1)] (if: $restedp is 0)[(set:$psyche as is +1)(set: $restedp =1)] ]
(if: $bleed >= 1 and $restedb is 0 or $restedp is 0)[As you close your eyes you notice the bed getting wet under you but you are too tired to really care. As the blood flows from your wounds you drift away... (set:$body to 0)]
(if: $body >0)[ [[Continue -> Lander]] ]
(if: $body is 0)[ [[Continue -> Calm]] ]
You begin your exploration of Xyphon IX but the game isn't ready for that yet. Thank you for testing this version!
(link: "Test")[Haha! (set: $test to it +1) $test]
(link: "Test")[Haha! (set: $test to it +1) $test]
(link: "Test")[Haha! (set: $test to it +1) $test]
[[Von vorne ->Open the door and leave the lander]]
(set: $chargetime to 10)You just sit in the lander and wait until the batteries are charged. You should be able to attach them to the lander's systems now.
[[Continue -> Lander]]
Welcome to ''Exploring Xyphon IX'', a text adventure that sends you on the dangerous but exciting quest to explore the ancient alien ruins of the planet Xypohon IX. But you may have guessed something like that from the name of the game already. Well, if you know how things are going, you can directly go to the [[Beginning]] of the story, otherwise you can learn about some of the game basics here.
The game will describe what is happening around you in text. Whenever there is blue, bold text, you can click on that to perform some actions.
At the lower end of the page you find some status information, including information on your physical and mental health and your equipment. Always have an eye on this information as the game may not always tell you explicitly in the main text about minor problems which you would have to check for actively in real life.
Your ''physical health'' is important for surviving, for your carrying capacity and for your performance in physical tasks like climbing, running or hand-to-hand combat. Note that there is no random element to these tasks in this game!
You may suffer from ''adverse conditions'' which can limit your actions in certain situations. You should especially be careful when you begin to ''bleed'' - do something about it or your health will quickly get worse.
Your ''mental health'' limits what actions you dare to perform and is negatively affected by a bad physical health. You might simply break down if you stress yourself too much!
You can regain some health when resting in certain spots. However, if you suffered severe physical or mental damage or several wounds between rests only some of that can be healed by resting. Anything else would need serious recovery time! Most adverse conditions don't go away by resting and falling asleep bleeding heavily might be a very bad idea even!
The ''equipment'' you are carrying is listed below your status information. Often there will be information here on your equipment's status (i.e. charges, damage etc.) and sometimes you can perform actions with your equipment here.
Well, that should be all you need. Just remember: This is an expedition, not an action movie. Try not to die and returning after partial success is better than not returning at all.
So let's head to the [[Beginning]]
(set: $suit_asked = 0)(set: $lander_asked = 0)(set: $find_asked = 0)(set: $body = 6)(set: $psyche = 5)(set: $suit = 4)(set: $bleed = 0)(set: $game = 1)(set: $back = 0)(set: $explosivesl = 3)(set: $kitsl = 5)(set: $patchesl = 1)(set: $patches = 8)(set: $climbsetl = 1)(set: $landerair = 100)(set: $restedb =1)(set: $restedp =1)(set: $lander = 2)(set: $suitair = 100)(set: $brace to 0)(set: $batteries to 0)
(set: $gun = 1)(set: $weight to it +2)(goto: "Check the equipment locker")
(set: $detector = 1)(set: $weight to it +1)(goto: "Check the equipment locker")
(set: $explosivesl to it -1)(set: $explosives to it +1)(set: $weight to it +2)(goto: "Check the equipment locker")
(set: $kitsl to it -1)(set: $kits to it +1)(set: $weight to it +1)(goto: "Check the equipment locker")
(set: $patchesl to 0)(goto: "Check the equipment locker")
You switch the chemical battery charging system on. (set: $charging = 1)
[[Continue ->Check the equipment locker]]
You activate the communication system and give a short report on your progress. There is nothing new in space it seems, so your friend suggests that you continue and return soon...
[[Continue -> Lander]]
(set: $gun = 0)(set: $weight to it -2)(goto: "Check the equipment locker")]
(set: $detector = 0)(set: $weight to it -1)(goto: "Check the equipment locker")]
(set: $explosivesl to it +1)(set: $explosives to it -1)(set: $weight to it -2)(goto: "Check the equipment locker")
(set: $kitsl to it +1)(set: $kits to it -1)(set: $weight to it -1)(goto: "Check the equipment locker")
(set: $patchesl to 1)(goto: "Check the equipment locker")
(set: $guncharge = 8)(set: $batteries to it -10)
(goto: "Check the equipment locker")
(set: $climbset = 1)(set: $climbsetl = 0)(set: $weight to it +3)(goto: "Check the equipment locker")
(set: $climbset = 0)(set: $climbsetl = 1)(set: $weight to it -3)(goto: "Check the equipment locker")
You sit down in the pilot's chair and begin the preflight check:
* The landing gear is (if: $lander is 3)[in good condition](if: $lander is 2)[lightly damaged, promising a somewhat rough start](if: $lander is 1)[severely damaged, promising a very rough start](if: $lander is 0)[is destroyed, making a launch very risky]
* Your lander is currently (if: $chase is 0)[standing still](if: $chase > 0)[shaking, severely complicating a start]
* The lander's battery is charged at $batteries %, (if: $batteries > 0)[enabling ignition](if: $batteries is 0)[not allowing ignition]
* The lander's air supply is at $landerair %, (if: $landerair > 0)[enough to reach your ship in orbit safely](if: $landerair is 0)[requiring you to use your suit's air supply for the flight]
[[Note the check results and continue -> Lander]]
(if: $batteries > 0)[ [[Launch the lander back into space]] ]
(if:$chase is 0)[(set: $launch to $lander)](if:$chase > 0)[(set: $launch to $lander +1)] You lay back into the pilot's seat in your (if: $suit is 0)[broken ](if: $suit is 1)[damaged ](if: $suit is 3)[punctured ](if: $suit is 5)[fully functional ]space suit. The engines roar as they lift the (if: $chase>0)[shaking ]lander into the air.
Your lander is (if: $lander is 3)[perfectly aligned and starts smoothly.](if: $lander is 2)[slighthly tipped and you get shaken up badly during the start. (if: $suit > 0)[But your suit protects you from damage.](if: $suit is 0)[Your broken suit offers no protection. (set: $back =1)] ](if: $lander is 1)[starting at a bad angle and you as you need to correct the course the G-forces torture your body.(if: $suit > 0)[Your suit offers at least some protection. (set: $back =1)](if: $suit is 0)[Your broken suit offers no protection. (set: $back 2)] ](if: $lander is 0)[spiralling into the air as you desperately try to stabilize your flight, fighting with the G-forces you feel your bones break. (if: $suit > 0)[But your suit offers you enough support to regain control. (set: $back =2)](if: $suit is 0)[Your broken suit offers no support and you lose control. (set: $back 3)] ]
(if: $back >2)[ [[Close your eyes -> Drift]] ](if: $back <= 2)[ [[Continue ->Launchspace]] ]
Your world goes black as you lose control over your lander. You may reach space or crash on the planet and maybe your lover will be able to recover your corpse. But you will never know...
''The end (For this time)''
(But I'd love you to try again, and there is a chance for a happy ending, I promise!)
Back to the [[Beginning]]?(set: $body = 0)(set: $psyche = 0)
Your lander rises through the atmosphere. As you gain altitude the roar of the atmosphere outside is getting less and less violent.
(if: $landerair > 0)[As you reach the void you enjoy the calm of your flight until you hear the clanking as your ship catches the lander.]
(if: $landerair is 0 and $suitair > 0 and $suit >= 4)[As you reach the void you switch to the internal air supply of your suit and enjoy the calm of your flight until you hear the clanking as your ship catches the lander]
(if: $landerair is 0 and $suitair > 0 and $suit < 4)[As you reach the void you switch to the internal air supply of your suit as you hear a hissing sound. Your suit isn't airtight anymore! You begin to panic as you realize that, pressed into your pilot's chair you have no chance to repair the suit.]
(if: $landerair is 0 and $suitair is 0)[As you reach the void you try to switch to the internal air supply of your suit but you realize that it is empty.]
(if: $landerair >0)[ [[Continue ->Rendevouz]] ](if: $landerair is 0 and $suitair >0 and $suit >= 4)[ [[Continue ->Rendevouz]] ](if: $landerair is 0 and $suitair >0 and $suit < 4)[ [[Continue -> Drift]] ](if: $landerair is 0 and $suitair is 0)[ [[Continue -> Drift]] ]
You simply drift away as you bleed out on the bed in your lander.
You're dead...
''The end (For this time)''
(But I'd love you to try again, and there is a chance for a happy ending, I promise!)
Back to the [[Beginning]]?(set: $body = 0)(set: $psyche = 0)
(if: $back < 2)[Your sight turn towards the lander's hatch as you get out of the pilot's seat and take off your suit's helmet. Moments later the hatch opens as your flight officer and lover looks at you smiling. "Welcome back!"
You hug and embrace, then kiss but then the curiosity cannot be held back any longer and you face the central question "So, what did you find?" (set: $psyche = 6)]
(if: $back >= 2)[Your sight turn towards the lander's hatch as you take off your suit's helmet and then realize that you cannot stand up from the pilot's seat. Moments later the hatch opens as your flight officer and lover looks at you smiling. "Welcome back!" Then the smile dies as realization about your state breaks the heart of your love.
A while later your flight officer sits next to your bed at the ships's sick bay, a course plotted to the next planet with a medical facility that might, maybe, be able to augmentically fix your broken spine. To distract you both from your thoughts, your lover asks the question "So, what did you find?"]
"Well..." you begin...
(if: $findings is 0 and $back < 2)["Not much actually. Maybe I have been too careful, but at least we know know that our plan does work in principle. We can think about claiming rights now or repeating the mission, maybe with better equipment, but for now... I guess I'll need a shower. Would you like to join?"
You look into a puzzled face but are then rewarded with a laugh: "Okay! Well, I guess exploring mysterious planets just isn't that easy. We might try again later. The most important thing is, that you're alive and well!]
(if: $findings is 0 and $back >= 2)["Not much..."
The two of you stare at each other, then at the hull. It will be a long flight...(set: $psyche = 1)]
''The end (For this time)''
Back to the [[Beginning]]?